I’m a total sucker for aubergine. From the deeply intense purple hue, the pendulous form, to the delicate softness once cooked, I love their versatility – how they duet so sweetly with tomato, yet they also shine alone, understated & subtle. With only five ingredients, you can really taste the rich earthy notes of the aubergine along with the other elements, while a sprinkling of salt seems to ground all the flavours, holding them under its intensification spell.
1 medium deep purple aubergine/eggplant
1 clove garlic, crushed
juice of 1 lemon
2 Tbsp tahini
1 tsp salt, or to taste
Heat your grill to high. Prick the aubergine all over with a fork & place it on a baking tray in the oven, fairly near the top. Grill for about 20 minutes, turning regularly, giving each side a chance to blacken.
Remove the aubergine from the oven & pop it into a plastic bag to cool down & sweat. Peel off the grilled exterior & discard. You’ll find the skin is easy to peel, revealing softened moist flesh beneath.
Blitz the aubergine with all the remaining ingredients in a food processor, high speed blender or bullet, until you have a smooth, creamy, delicious dip.
Store your baba ganoush in the fridge – sometimes it’s even better the next day, once the flavours have intensified.
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