The photo above includes a bowl of my only-five-ingredients (including salt!) baba ganoush, a lusciously soft dip made of roasted aubergine. The simple recipe is here and it pairs wonderfully with these crackers.
1 x 400g tin of black eyed beans, drained & rinsed
2 Tbsp olive oil
½ cup tapioca or arrowroot flour
2 Tbsp sunflower seeds
1 Tbsp cumin seeds
½ tsp salt
Preheat oven to 175C. Line a baking tray with parchment paper, fully covering the tray if you can. Have another piece of paper on hand. Blitz all the ingredients in a food processor until a thick, moist ‘dough’ is created. Empty the sticky ‘dough’ onto the baking tray, then cover it with another piece of parchment/baking paper. With a rolling pin, gently roll out the dough as evenly as you can, spreading right out to the very edges until most of the tray is covered. Peel off the top layer of paper, use a knife to score the flattened dough into cracker/chip shapes of your choice. Bake for about 25 minutes. Allow to cool on the tray before breaking off the chips. Yum!
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