This is a perfect everything-free platter idea for a shared meal. Colourful & bright, it ticks all those intolerance boxes – no dairy, nuts, eggs, grains or gluten – plus it’s light & fresh, which can be lovely alongside the more traditional shared-food fare. Hands up if you’ve been the only one proffering vegetables amidst a tide of wheat, dairy & sugar!
This isn’t a recipe exactly, more an urge to experiment. I simply cut rounds of cucumber, popped a small dollop of my Kumara Lentil Dip (recipe here ), though it’s equally lovely with hummus. I decorated the rounds with sliced green olives, finely chopped red cabbage, sprouted mung beans, coriander leaves & slivers of sun-dried tomato. I aimed for diverse colours & textures, to make the overall effect more appetising. Trawl through your fridge & see what cool combinations you can create!
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