Don’t you love it when breakfast collides with dessert? Buckwheat porridge with banana is a fully legit breakfast, right? So take it to the next level by whizzing it up with a little cacao for that chocolate hit and a little tahini for mineral-rich creaminess. Serve with some coconut yoghurt & fruit and you’ve got a stellar breakfast. Or flip it around and serve it as pudding, layered as you wish. It’s light, raw, healthy & sweetened only with banana.

New to buckwheat? Don’t be put off by ‘wheat’ in the name, it’s a totally gluten free grain (actually, it’s a seed but it gets put in the grain category because it’s commonly used as a grain) When you soak buckwheat in water, the little angular seeds soften, making them easy to blend (kitchen note: when you drain it, you might notice a stringy wet strand or two – totally normal!) If you’ve never seen buckwheat before, have a look at the photos above – the raw ‘groats’ are in a little black bowl.

For this recipe, you can soak the groats in plenty of water overnight, then blend in the morning, for a super fast breakfast bowl. Or if you’re using them the same day, let them soak for at least an hour. Some websites suggest 6 hours, but I’ve got away with way less than that. The groats should crush between your fingers when they’re nicely soaked – not melt, just crush. You’ll be stoked to know that buckwheat also contains a little protein, magnesium, potassium & calcium.
½ cup buckwheat groats, soaked until soft, then drained & rinsed
1 banana
1 Tbsp tahini
½-1 Tbsp cacao powder (or cocoa)
1 Tbsp milk of choice (coconut milk keeps me fuller!)
splash of vanilla
To serve:
Fruit of choice
Yoghurt of choice
Put all the ingredients into a bullet or blender and whiz until creamy smooth. Serve as is, or go wild with fruits or yoghurt.

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