Scroll down to find all four smoothies.
Sesame Coconut Smoothie
This was one of those middle-of-the-night recipe moments, where I fantasised about blending sesame & coconut, so the next morning, I toasted some black sesame seeds, ground them up and added them to the blender with banana, almond milk & coconut milk. Only four ingredients but so simple & lovely! The almost-savoury earthy flavour of the sesame perfectly compliments the sweet banana & creamy coconut.
½ Tbsp black sesame seeds
½ ripe banana
½ cup almond milk
¼ cup coconut milk
Zesty Avocado Kiwi Smoothie
I was lucky enough to strike an avocado jackpot, when my friend gave me a brimming bag of homegrown organic avocados (I know, right?! Yeyah!) I put avo in everything… This smoothie has avocado hiding in its verdant depths – combined with some cashews, it gives a wonderfully creamy element to a zesty tangy drink. Decorate with kiwi slices if you like.
½ green apple
½ ripe avocado
a big handful of spinach
a handful of cashews (buy cashew pieces if you can – cheaper)
½ ripe kiwi fruit
juice of 1 lime
¾-1 cup coconut water
Morning Mojo (revised!)
Kaboom! Ready to rev up your tastebuds? I brewed the shot of coffee with a teaspoon of cardamom (a frisky little trick I read about in Sarah Wilson’s amazing book “Simplicious. Apparently cardamom and coconut oil can help to smooth out the ‘jangly’ effects of the caffeine) which gives a wonderfully warming note amongst the broody, deep intensity of the coffee & chocolate.
1 shot coffee brewed with 1 tsp ground cardamom
a good handful of raw pecans
½ a frozen banana (or whole banana for sweeter taste)
a dollop of coconut oil
a couple of squares of dark, intense chocolate
optional cacao nibs to sprinkle
¾ – 1 cup of milk of your choice (I used almond)
Green Goodness
Oh green smoothie, I never tire of you! Your brilliant hue, your zingy flavour… I can almost feel your nourishing vitality coursing my veins. This hydrating glass of goodness is fruit-free – who needs fructose when this epic crew of ingredients joins forces?
A generous handful of spinach
A whole peeled lime
An optional teaspoon of kale powder
A small chunk of cucumber
A chunk of celery
A couple of slices of ginger
A couple of slices of fresh turmeric
A sprinkle of LSA (pre-made mix of ground linseed, sunflower, almond)
¾ – 1 cup coconut water
Yes, it’s a free-style kind of recipe – please adjust the flavours to suit your palate. The lime & ginger are an epic flavour burst!
Blitz your beauties well & enjoy! 🙂
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