This also makes a sensational hot drink! Simply omit the ice cubes and warm your milk instead. The bottom photo is the luscious bubbly hot brew I made this morning.
1 cup milk of choice (mine’s 1/2 coconut, 1/2 rice)
1 Tbsp coconut butter
1 tsp matcha
optional dash of maple
ice cubes
Start by checking out your coconut butter. If it’s pretty hard & solid, soften it with a dash or two of hot water. We need it to blend well.
Now for the milk/s. I put mine into my blender and give it a quick whiz to froth it up a bit. You could also use a proper milk frother here. Now we’re separating the frothy milk into two halves – one half will stay as is, the other is going to go into the blender with the matcha, coco butter & optional dash of maple. Whiz until smooth. Pour the green mix into a serving glass, then add the remaining milk on top. Add ice cubes to cool it down.
My original inspiration came from the lovely Dee at Green Smoothie Gourmet who introduced me to using coconut butter in my decaf coffee. Find her coffee recipe here
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