2 ½ cups gluten-free oats (see important note below)
¼ cup pumpkin seeds/pepitas
½ cup sliced or slivered almonds
1/4 cup raw buckwheat groats
¼ cup sunflower seeds
¼ cup sesame seeds
8-10 brazil nuts, roughly chopped
2 Tbsp coconut oil
2 Tbsp honey (or use brown rice syrup to make it vegan/fructose-free, possibly up it to 3 Tbsp)
½ cup unsweetened dessicated coconut
½ cup puffed millet or rice (can increase to 1 cup)
Note about oats: oats are inherently gluten free BUT – and this is a big but – most of the world’s supply is grown, harvested & processed alongside wheat. Some gluten intolerant people find that they can handle some oats, but for coeliacs especially, the cross-contamination spells trouble. There are a few gluten-free oats on the market, though they’re trickier to find. I’m lucky enough to buy mine at my local Bulk Food Savings.
Preheat the oven to 175C. Put all the oats, nuts & seeds into a large roasting tray or baking dish (not the coconut or puffed millet yet, you’ll add them last). Mix the oats, nuts & seeds well. Gently melt together the coconut oil & honey and pour them over the nutty combo, mixing well. Now pop it in the preheated oven.
This will take about 30 minutes to toast up nicely, but it’s a good idea to be hovering in the kitchen – you’ll need to stir every so often as the top layer starts to turn golden. Do your first oven check at around 15 minutes. Give the mixture a good stir so the understorey gets a chance to tan. You’ll need to stir again in 10 minutes – even 5 minutes if your oven is cranking. Take extra care to scoop round the corners. After 30 minutes, and another stir or two, you should have achieved a toasty golden batch. Now add the dessicated coconut, stir well, and return to the oven for a final five minute burst.
Once it’s out of the oven and cooled a little, add the puffed millet or rice. Also feel free to add any dried fruit – sultanas, cranberries, blueberries, chunks of apricot…
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