This mint choc chip smoothie is a great way to get green goodness in your belly, and if your garden is anything like mine, it’s bursting with fresh mint and leafy greens. Cool sweetness comes from frozen banana, alongside a little coconut milk for that smooth, filling creaminess. I still get a kick out of seeing the kids drink these smoothies, knowing how many fresh green goodies they’re getting.
I knew that mint is best grown in a pot, as it has a tendency to take over, but did I listen? Nope. I chucked it in the garden and now it’s run riot… So I’ve been making a lot of minty green smoothies and minty salads lately (hit me up with any other uses for fresh mint!) I do love the mint plants, though – mine seem to have particularly large & luscious leaves (check out the sprig in the back of this shot).

– 1 frozen banana
– 1 tightly packed cup of chopped fresh spinach
– 1/4 cup chopped fresh mint
– 1 Tbsp choc chips
– 1 tsp vanilla extract
– ¼ cup coconut milk
– ¾ cup mylk of choice
– 1/4 cup cashew pieces
Blitz in a bullet or blender until the frozen banana and cashews are fully incorporated. If your mint isn’t too flavorsome, consider adding a dash of peppermint essence to boost it up. Enjoy!

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