Chocolate thickshake for breakfast? Twist my rubbery arm, why don’t you! I don’t drink coffee that often so a wee hit of maca and cacao can get me hummin’ in all the right ways, without that jangly caffeinated feeling. My homegrown bananas don’t tend to be that sweet, so I add a wee bit of sweetener to help bring out the richness of the cacao.
1 cup almond/plant milk
8 raw pecans
1 frozen banana
1 Tbsp cacao
1 tsp maca*
optional: 1/2 tsp mesquite or sweetener of your choice. If your bananas are wonderfully ripe, you might not need extra
optional: cacao nibs to sprinkle on top
Blitz all ingredients in a blender until smooth, making sure there are no lurking chunks of banana or pecan. Enjoy!
* new to maca? It’s a root vegetable from Peru, popular for boosting energy, fighting fatigue, perking up your libido (morning mojo indeed!) and delivering vitamins (A, B6 & C) and minerals (like iron, iodine, calcium). Incan warriors used to wolf it before battle.
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