Oh so soft & deliciously creamy! I seriously can’t get enough of this tart. It’s so simple, yet feels utterly decadent. The rich yet paradoxically light filling comes from banana & peanut butter – as the name suggests – but the secret weapon here is silken tofu, giving a delightfully smooth silky texture. It’s like a mousse crossed with a cream pie crossed with heaven.
This makes a fairly small tart. I created the round version above by pressing the dough into a partly lined glass dish, measuring 20cm diameter. To make a rectangular version, like the shots below, I use my smallest loaf pan, measuring 10 x 22cms.

For The Base
10 dates
½ cup nuts – I used a combo of almonds, cashews, sunflower seeds & salted roasted peanuts. In round tart in the top photo, I also threw in 2 squares of dark chocolate.
For The Filling
150g silken tofu, drained (silken is most important, it’ll give the creamiest finish)
3 Tbsp peanut butter
1 Tbsp maple syrup
1 Tbsp coconut oil
½ a ripe banana
½ tsp vanilla
Optional chocolate drizzle (or simply melt a little store bought chocolate)
1 tsp coconut oil
1 tsp maple syrup
1 tsp peanut butter
1 tsp cacao or cocoa powder
optional crushed or chopped peanuts to sprinkle on top
Start by making the base. Blitz the nuts combo & dates in a bullet or high speed blender until they form a thick dough – it should be cohesive when you press it together with clean hands. If you can’t get it to bind or it’s feeling too dry (some dates are drier than others!), add a little liquid: a small spoonful of water, or mylk, or even peanut butter. Sometimes even just using damp hands to squish it together can help give that extra binding moisture.
Create the tart base by sculpting the dough up the sides of your tart pan or loaf tin. This is what you’ll pour the filling into. It’s fairly thin – you should have just enough dough. I also really recommend either lining the loaf tin with paper, or adding a couple of strips along the bottom at least, to help you lift the tart out easily later. Put the base in the fridge while you make the filling.
Give the blender/bullet a quick rinse, then throw all the filling ingredients in & whiz until creamy & super smooth. Spoon or pour the filling into the base.
If you’re making the chocolate drizzle, gently heat all ingredients until melted, mix until smooth & well incorporated, then wave a spoon around to gaily festoon the tart with chocolatey splashes & stripes to your heart’s content. Decorate with a few chopped/crushed peanuts, if desired.
Chill the finished product in the fridge, to fully firm up. You’ll also store it in the fridge. You can pop it in the freezer if preferred, but the texture will change a little when eating – in the freezer, the water content in the banana and tofu will give a frosty effect, which is lovely, but if you want a softer, more mousse-like texture, eat the tart fresh from the fridge. Careful, in warmer weather, it’ll start to go soggy if left out of the fridge too long! Better eat it quickly, then 😉

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