One day our 14 year old loudly declared a craving for tomato soup, and dived into the kitchen to create some. I helped a little, with quantities etc (and clean up…!) but the flavours and ingredients are Zephyr’s creation. Taste wise, there’s warmth and depth from cumin and smoked paprika, and nutritionally, we’ve added red lentils to thicken it up with some plant protein.
We’ve made the soup using fresh tomatoes from the garden, as well as tinned. Both are great. If you’re using fresh, the water content may be a little higher so you may choose to add more salt for flavour. Have a taste-test at the end of cooking and adjust if need be.
2 Tbsp olive or coconut oil
1 onion, diced
2-3 cloves garlic, diced
2 tsp (coconut) sugar
2 tsp balsalmic vinegar
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp ground coriander
½ tsp smoked paprika
¼ cup red lentils
1 x 400g tin of chopped tomatoes, juice & all OR 2 cups fresh diced tomatoes
4 cups water
1 tsp vege stock powder or 1 vege stock cube (check gluten free!)
½ cup tomato passata or purée
1 tsp salt (maybe more if using fresh toms)
good crack of pepper
optional extras: ½ tsp mustard seeds
a handful of diced sundried tomatoes
extra fresh chopped tomato to add near the end
In a large pot, heat the oil over a fairly low heat. Sauté the onions gently until soft – 10-15 minutes if you can (going low and slow deepens the flavour, but if you’re in a rush, just get them soft but not too coloured!)
Add the garlic, allow to soften but not burn.
Add the sugar, vinegar and all the spices. Stir well. (if you’re adding the mustard seeds, pop them in now) Add all remaining ingredients, mix well and crank the heat up til almost boiling. Once it’s simmering, pop the lid on, lower the heat right down again and let it gently simmer away for about 15-20 mins. The lentils should be soft and breaking down.
Have a taste test for seasoning, adding more salt and pepper if desired. If you’re adding extra fresh tomato, pop it in now. Serve with (optional) fresh basil, a dash of olive oil on top, alongside hot toast or soft rolls. Enjoy!

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